Thursday, April 6

Cemetery Stone Cleaning


This product was recommended to me by the gentleman from the local archaeological group, The Cowford Archaeological Research Society.  He was with us at the recent cemetery cleanup. He mentioned to me several times that his members have used this product on cemetery stones on multiple occasions and found it did a great job.

Like the part about requiring no scrubbing, rinsing or pressure washing. In addition, it can be purchased locally at half the price of D/2.

So…. I and a few other volunteers are going to spray try this stuff on a few stone and watch for the final results which may take up to a month to complete.

If the results are good - we'll spray the other stones. If not -  we can go back to Plan A - purchase the D/2 and use it instead - including the scrubbing part. 

Watch this Space for the results for updates.

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