Wednesday, June 15

National Register of Historic Places

Had a meeting with the Jacksonville Historic Preservation Consortium yesterday. 

It's a gathering of representatives of various organizations that are interested in the history of North Florida and beyond. The link above shows a complete list of participants. 

There were people there from the main Downtown Public Library, the Museum of Science and History (MOSH) Riverside Avondale Preservation Society, Jacksonville Historical Society, The Southern Genealogist Exchange Society, the Downtown Top to Bottom Walking Tours, the San Marco Preservation Society, the Jacksonville Fire Museum and yours truly representing St. Nicholas Area Preservation (SNAP).

I praised our cemetery and the neighbors who work hard to maintain it. I spread the news about this blog and did some networking with some of the members who expressed an interest in our work. (The blog got over 200 hits in the next 36 hours). 

One member noted that she had had experience in obtaining historical recognition of other cemeteries and there was also some interest in the possibility of having a history walking tour pick our cemetery as a major Jacksonville attraction. I will be taking these folks on private guided tours in the near future and will keep you all apprised as to future developments  on these two potentially exciting fronts.

Kay Gilmour