Friday, January 25

Things are Looking Up!

Thanks to our new SNAP Board, the cemetery has been mowed! 

And doesn't it look great?!


You might want to check out the stones that were sprayed for moss and algae by William Winebecker and his Boy Scout Troop a couple months ago. 

The material they used is called Wet and Forget. No scrubbing needed. Just spray on and let wind and rain do the rest.

Be aware that as you spray material on a surface such as your fence, driveway, patio etc, - you will not immediately see anything happening. It takes days for the full effect to be evident. So you will miss spots. Just go back when those "holidays" become obvious. It is usual and customary that a second go-round is needed to get all the spots.  Here are two examples.

The Naomi Williams stone was sprayed on the front. The back is up against a fence and got overlooked. See the difference?

The tall Palmer monument was hit and miss. It's easy to see where.

No worries. This late spring or early summer, we'll do a second spraying of the very few missed spots. The cleaned stones should stay that way for a couple years at least.

Once again - Thank You, William and your fellow scouts for this wonderful project. And Thank You, SNAP Board for the mowing. The whole effect is getting raves from around the neighborhood.

Wednesday, November 14

Thank You

A loud shout-out Thank You! to all those wonderful neighbors who have shown up with tools in hand to answer the bell of cemetery cleanup over the DECADES! This award would never have been possible without your enthusiasm, dedication and civic pride.